Competitive Advantage Of Starbucks

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When I think of Starbucks’, the first thing that comes to my mind is gourmet coffee. In fact, Starbucks’ offers a variety of products ranging from Tazo teas, sandwiches, pastries, salads, ice cream and 30 blends of single-original coffees, just to name a few. This is supported by the text, “Starbucks’ product line includes more than 30 blends of single-origin coffees, …Tazo teas,…in addition…freshly baked pastries, a line of super premium ice cream,…sandwiches, salad…”(Peter & Donnelly, 2013). However, Starbucks’ in my opinion offers more than just food and beverages. In this case, I would venture to say the product(s) the company offers is casual nonintrusive experience, comfort and familiarity, which in essence, is…show more content…
The advantage for Starbucks’ is that the card is hugely profitable with over 26 million cards being used and over 395 million in first quarter sales during 2008. Three ways I believe Starbucks’ can improve their competitive position, is to develop products that are geared towards the growing population of people who have become more health conscious, continue to expand the organizations business ventures in developing countries where the population is growing and the per-capita incomes are increasing. Lastly, Starbucks’ needs to increase their product portfolio by adding products that are market specific in which the company plans to expand. Starbucks’ has six guiding principles and seven mission statements. The purpose of the company’s mission statement is to expound on the organizations commitment to their customers, employees and business partners, as well as suggestions for developing new strategies to reach their targeted goal. The guiding principles make up Starbuck’s business identity and reinforce the company’s specific goals. This suggests that Starbucks’ is committed to quality products, customer satisfaction, employee success, company growth and shareholder

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