Graphic Novels In Persepolis

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Persepolis is a unique story partly because it is told in the form of a graphic novel. There are many elements of it that are very similar to a regular novel, so it remains to be asked why Marjane Satrapi chose this particular medium to tell her story. When we think of graphic novels, we think of comic books and something that is perhaps a bit more frivolous than the average novel. Even though there have been many critically acclaimed graphic novels that tell intricate well-crafted stories, writing a graphic novel certainly might not have been seen as a move which would increase it’s potential for critical acclaim. What I’m going to be arguing is that within the medium of the graphic novel, Satrapi has a kind of control that would be denied her in a typical prose-based novel. Within the medium of the graphic novel, Satrapi is literally controlling the images that the audience sees. In a prose-based novel se would still be able to describe a scene to us in some detail, but in Persepolis she has a…show more content…
The story opens a year after the Islamic revolution when Marji and her young peers are still getting used to the new regime. As she back tracks to tell her story, we see the contrast between Iran before and after the revolution. Marji’s family is wealthy and, to our eyes, very westernized before the revolution. Indeed, some of the stories that Marji tells from her childhood before the revolution, could come from anyone’s childhood. Satrapi is again using archetypes to close the perceived gap between east and west. The point is that before the revolution, we see Marji and her family in a way that many people of my generation have not. For the generation that grew up during 9/11 and beyond, our image of the Muslim world is one that is very radicalized. We don’t think about the history of these nations and the fact that this was not always the

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