Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis

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The elements of fiction used by Marjane Satrapi in “Persepolis”, were used to develop the themes that are evidenced during the story. To understand the several themes of “Persepolis” it is necessary to study the XXXXX, and how those elements developed throughout the story. The themes portrayed by Marjane Satrapi are XXXXX. Marjane Satrapi wrote this graphic novel as a way to criticize the government during the Iranian Revolution. That is why the themes of “Persepolis” are often political or religious themes. The first theme in Persepolis is the gender repression. This theme is related to the repression women suffered during the Islamic Revolution. In the 1980s every women was forced to wear a veil in public. This theme is evidenced many times in the story when Marjane is almost arrested for…show more content…
The second theme that is evidenced in Persepolis is religion. Marjane though she was the last prophet and she had a strong relationship with God. During the story she suffers from faith problems after her uncle was executed. This leads to the third theme that is political persecution. This theme is evidenced many times in the story when her uncle goes to jail and is executed. Also with the hundreds of political prisoners that the government has. The last theme is the identity problems Marjane was suffering when she went to study abroad. She felt out of place when she was studying in Europe and when she was living in Iran. She felt related to both cultures and that made her feel a cultural dualism. The first element that can be related to the theme is the plot of the story. The story has several points of conflict. The story starts developing with Marjane’s life in Iran when she was young. One important event in the story is when her uncle anoosh returns to from jail. She spends time with her uncle and they have a good relationship, as Anoosh once said, “You are the little girl I always
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