Persepolis Marjane Satrapi Analysis

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Literature is often seen by people as an expression for authors to express their life and troubles they have been through. Marjane Satrapi also does this, although she mainly tries to show how children, secularists, nationalists and even Muslims were excluded, marginalized and silenced in this period of time, during the Islamic revolution in the 1980’s. Her literary work, Persepolis, works as an expression for the ones who were oppressed during the Islamic revolution. Marjane Satrapi grew up under oppression, this is already shown from the first page of the graphic novel. On the first pages of the novel she introduces herself, she introduces herself by showing what the troubles of the Islamic revolution were by using the symbol of the veil. The very first frame of Persepolis shows a portrait illustration of Marjane while she is wearing a veil. She is looking expressionless without identity. The caption states: “This is me when I was ten years old. This was in 1980” (page 3). The combination of the figure and text could not be more real. Immediately the author shows how the novel will be. Namely, by looking back to her childhood and showing a picture of herself; sad, depressed and veiled. In the very second frame a…show more content…
In the very first frame of the novel the veil is already shown. The Iranian women had to wear the veil, because of the religious oppression they experienced. “We really didn’t like to wear the veil, especially since we didn’t understand why we had to” (page 3). Marjane’s mother chooses not to wear the veil. When she was walking on the streets without wearing her veil she was accosted by two men of the new fundamentalist regime. “They insulted me, they said women like me should be pushed up against the wall and fucked. And then thrown in the garbage...and if I didn’t want that to happen, I should wear the veil” (page 74). After this part in the story the oppression of the veil seemed to

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