Persepolis Social Class

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Social Class/Marxism “The reason for my shame and for the revolution is the same: the difference between social classes” (33) is a quote from Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. Social standing is significant throughout this graphic novel. The division between social classes is based on a persons’ wealth and education level. There are three levels of social classes; the lower class, middle class, and upper class. Social classes should be abolished because it not only divides people of a society but also prevents that society as a whole from progressing. Social classes should be eliminated from societies as it affects the quality of children’s lives, influences priorities and lifestyles, and causes the discrimination of people based on their social class.…show more content…
More often than not, people of the lower classes are treated unjustly. This is clearly depicted in Persepolis. In this novel, Marjane’s father said “Because in this country, you must stay within your own social class” (37). When Marjane’s father found out about his maid, Mehri’s, relationship with the neighbor’s son, Hossein, he was not happy. He went over to see Hossein and told him that Mehri is not actually his daughter, but instead his maid. Since maids were considered to be from the lower class, Hossein ended his relationship with Mehri immediately. Even though Marjane’s father believed in Marxism, he conformed to society. He could not accept Mehri’s relationship with Hossein because a lower class should not be associated with the middle or upper classes. Marjane was confused as to whether her father was for or against social classes. However, it was clear that Marjane did not believe in the segregation of classes when she questioned “But is it her fault that she was born where she was born???” (37). The segregation of classes prevented Mehri from interacting with
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