Conformity In Persepolis

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Persepolis: From Life To Novel To Film It can be very hard to move from place to place. Especially when you are young, of a different culture, and the culture is not accepted in the destination in which you plan to travel. Although one may have cultural pride because they were old enough to understand the hardships their country was facing, they may not want to conform into the new society in which they are being faced with when they migrate. Even though there are similarities between all people, even of different races or culture, it is hard to fit in because the new place is rejecting everything you once knew. But the fact that you left your country because of your opposition with certain aspects of your own culture makes you similar to the new people. The rejection Marjane Satrapi faces in these societies is made prevalent in her memoir Persepolis. Marjane tells her story of being an Iranian immigrant and all the hardships she had to face because of it. Rejecting conformity is a reoccurring theme throughout both the novel and the film of Persepolis.…show more content…
This is opposite of what has been explained. A good example of this is when Marji and her grandmothers are watching Godzilla. This is scene is not part of the narrative, it is not even referred to in the narrative. In the movie during this scene the grandmother communicates her animosity towards the movie and makes a snide remark about the Japanese culture. This scene is important in the film because it presents the misunderstandings people of outside cultures can have towards others which is something that Marji experienced frequently in Europe. This is why the producers include this scene in the movie when it is not in the book. Because it further emphasizes the point of misunderstandings that Marji faced in Europe when she is talking to her grandmother about her

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