Examples Of Loss Of Innocence In Persepolis

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“War is not healthy for children and other living things”-Lorraine Schneider. In the graphic novel, Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi depicts her experience as a child growing up during the Iranian revolution. The revolution affects the children in a completely different way than it does adults. Children usually have the privilege of being sheltered from the real world struggles, but in this case they do not have that luxury and are forced to grow up in a time of disorder. They are involuntarily forced to mature in order to gain a better understanding the world around them. The use of the motifs of violence and loss of innocence is significant in the understanding of what occurs amongst the younger generations during a revolution, such as the Iranian Revolution. In the graphic novel, violence is used as a motif and is displayed through imagery in order to convey the life that Satrapi and other children around her go through. The kid’s reactions to this change in their everyday lives demonstrates the children…show more content…
This particular scene demonstrates how fearful it was to be a woman in a time where this was an often occurrence. Marji, like most children, looks towards her mother for strength and guidance, but when her own mom is so visibly affected and unsettled by the encounter, Satrapi may begin to question how she can stay strong during these tragic times. Marjane Satrapi may have chosen to write about when she was a child in the revolution because more empathy may be given for a young girl having to face the challenges that she did and still come out strong. This loss of innocence is portrayed through the imagery of war and the loss of lives, which demonstrates the harsh situation that children like Marjane were put in and forced to adapt

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