Goal Driving Theory

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Bachelor of Science in Accountancy is a course offered in the Philippines that require an individual to take the board exam to be a licensed practitioner of the profession. It could also be considered as one of the more challenging courses that a student could take because of the amount of preparation and dedication needed in pursuing the course. Due to the difficulty of the course, people have a higher form of respect for those who succeeded in completing it. The old coverage of the board examination is constituted seven (7) subjects. According to Orlando, the Board of Accountancy has decided to change the coverage of the examination with the approval of the Professional Regulations Commission last June 20, 2015. Now, the exam only covers…show more content…
Are there significant differences in the level of awareness of the fourth year accountancy students in the factors that affect their general performance and preparedness considering section as a variable? The researchers assume that the fourth year accountancy students at De La Salle Lipa are moderately prepared for the board exam. In order to prove this assumption this paper makes use of the Goal setting theory and Drive theory in gauging the level of preparedness of the students. The variables that would be utilized in this study would be their motivation, methods of preparation, and goals. In order to identify the above stated variables, this study bases its inferences on Edwin Locke’s Goal Setting theory which states that people set more difficult but attainable goals perform better than those who set difficult goals. (Locke, 1960). In a sense it could be said that those who set higher goals for themselves could have a better chance of succeeding than those who did otherwise. In line with this the researchers would also consider the motivations of the students in studying for the exams. An individual with clearly defined goals can easily have a path to go. In connection to Locke’s goal setting theory, Hull’s drive theory which states that a person may act the way wherein they can achieve their goals and benefit…show more content…
Several ways on preparing for the exam scientifically were stated on several articles. These practices include having exercise, having a healthful diet, taking breaks, and proper time management. One tip would be that having exercise or a good cardio may help one in preparing for an exam. Another advice that is given by the author would be that a healthy diet could help increase the thinking speed of an individual. Alston also states that a student should also take a break once in a while for the brain to function well and to have more energy for studying. (Alaston, 2013) Setting an individual’s mind, body and soul into proper state may help one being prepared. In relation to that, being healthy can also be connected to making a proper schedule. Setting a schedule may decrease the possibility of wasting time and being stressed out about a job to be done. By this, one’s mind may not be bothered to think of many things and one can maintain a positive thinking with no other
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