Goals Of UCSB Organization

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UCSB, is an organization with very specific goals, but the main goals of UCSB are to help strengthen the environment in which students study and professors do world class research. Revolving around their students, UCSB’s goal is to provide an academic education over a vocational one, but also for students and professors to conduct cutting edge research in their respective field of study. Depending on the many aspects of the UCSB organization, it is plausible to conclude that the university conducts itself using the concepts of mostly the rationalist theory of organization while to a lesser degree incorporating naturalist theory of organization concepts as well. UCSB has many tendencies that are characteristic of practices that are a part of…show more content…
The three main aspects to UCSB’s division of labor are academic and administrative staff, professors and students. According to UCSB.edu’s organization chart, the top of the UCSB academic staff hierarchy is the “Chancellor, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement, Vice Chancellor for Research, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs”. Next, would be the deans of the one of the five colleges of College of Creative Studies, College of Engineering, College of Letters & Science, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, and the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education. Next after the deans would be the professors who are the backbone and driving force of UCSB; because they teach the students and do the majority of the research within the school. Professors, however have a lot of autonomy of what they can teach and are very much in control of their own curriculum. The hierarchy of the staff is much more complex because of the many divisions of labor. Within UCSB’s staff there are divisions such as; academic, accounting, maintenance, legal, counseling, etc. Each respective academic and administrative staff have power and authority. However, the type of authority differs from position to position, but most staff within UCSB possess…show more content…
He would argue that it follows directly in line with his theory on an ideal bureaucratic administration. Weber would argue that the success of UCSB as a predominant rationalist organization is directly correlated with the bureaucracy within the schools professional and academic staff positions. With the way UCSB has been ran in the past, and the way it will continue to be ran Weber would argue that the university is being ran in a fashion that aids in its ability to educate and conduct research at a high

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