Rogers Theory Of Diffusion Of Innovation

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The change theory that could work for this proposed programme would be Rogers’ theory of ‘Diffusion of innovation’ and Lewin’s (1951) ‘Force Field Analysis’ (FFA). Rogers’ theory of Diffusion of innovation is the process of innovation communicated with participants to create and share information with one another in order to reach an equal understanding over time (Rogers, 2010). Rogers’ (2010) theory involved events when the change agent seeks to persuade a client to adopt an innovation. In relation to the team building programme, the higher management could diffuse the change to the employees. It needs to go through the four main elements i.e.: (1) innovation, (2) communication channels, (3) time and (4) the social system (Rogers, 2010).…show more content…
Even if it was proposed in 1962, the theory is still relevant in the present day situation (Sahin, 2006). Despite that, Diffusion of innovation theory was limitedly used in nursing research studies (Andrews et al., 2013). The weakness of this theory was that it takes time. The rate of adoption tends to begin slowly and only accelerate depending the commitments of the adopters. Ultimately, the laggard adopters may decide to reject the innovation (Dearing, 2009). The theory also advocates a single intervention as the solution to a problem despite potential adopters differing opinions in accepting the innovation (Dearing, 2009). Thus, one intervention might not fit…show more content…
The FFA tool is a straightforward and easy to understand (Miner, 2007). It’s framework for planning, implementing and evaluating has been known to be successful to transfer knowledge in the nursing information system (Lee, 2006). Hayes (2014) argued the weakness of Lewin’s theory however is that by increasing forces to push for change, it could result in tension amongst the adopters. Organization tends to resist change efforts and after a disturbance, they have the potential to return to the previous state (Hayes., 2014). However, Lewin’s theory strives to improve organizational effectiveness by focusing on the human side of interactions, which included team-based change (Medley & Akan ,2008). The approaches of removing restraining forces can increase commitment and result in long-lasting change (Hayes, 2014). While both theories are applicable for this change proposal, Lewin’s theory is found to be the most

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