Intimacy Versus Isolation

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Erik Erikson (15 June 1902 – 12 May 1994) provides insight into emotional and social development in early adulthood with his theory, Intimacy Versus Isolation, which is a conflict of the thoughts and feelings of young adults about making a permanent commitment to an intimate partner (Berk, 2014, p. 374). Erikson states that young adults will experience issues of loneliness and self-absorption without the development of intimacy and that by resolving the intimacy versus isolation issue young adults are better prepared for the next stage of middle adulthood. Erikson believed that by having personally meaningful values and goals, young adults are better prepared for interpersonal commitments. Likewise, Erikson believed a secure identity supports the likelihood of gaining intimacy and loyalty in relationships positively affect identity development (Berk, 2014). Erikson’s theory is so broadly sketched that many other theorists have developed and expanded on his approach and theory of adult personality development.…show more content…
Levinson proposed a theory based on a series of stages that adults go through as they develop and at the center of his theory is the life structure, the underlying pattern of an individual's life at any particular time (Pettijohn, p. 72). Levinson’s Seasons of Life theory focuses on adult development that transitions in “seasons” and the life structure of development, which is the underlying design of a person’s life, consisting of relationships with significant others ¬ individuals, groups, and institutions (Berk, 2014, p.

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