Traditional Animation: Different Types Of Animation

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Types of Animation Traditional Animation, often referred to as cel animation, is considered as one of the older forms of animation. During which the animator draws each and every frame by hand to create the animation sequence. If one likes drawing and enjoys the feel of pencils on a paper, then the traditional approach to animation is very fascinating. Traditional 2D animation involves the animator creating several drawings then feeding into a plastic cells, which were hand painted thus creating the animated sequence on a painted background image. Just like they used to do in the old days of Disney namely, Dumbo, Peter Pan, Aladdin, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. (Koch, DataBase, and DataBase, 1997) (Zagwijn-van…show more content…
Therefore, in order to draw and sketch illustrations, the resources would be a minimum of Cels and equipment. • Secondly, this animation technique would allow for the animation looking to be very detailed; due to the repetition of similar scenes which resulted in a build-up of…show more content…
• Equipment and technology for 3D animation can be very expensive. • Rendering the final outcome can be very time consuming without the recommended equipment. Mechanical Animation By using the mechanical animation technique machines can be animated instead of robotics. With these mechanical animations instead of original machinery, it is possible to understand the inner work of the mechanics in the machine. The functionality of these machines is easily explained when using this kind of animation technique. Puppetry Animation Puppetry animation is created using the life like puppets instead of objects. The first stop-motion animation film that features puppets was created by J. Stuart Blackton and Albert Smith called “The Humpty Dumpty Circus”. Nowadays puppet animation is present mostly in children’s films and cartoons. The film King Kong (1933) is an example of puppet animation used in cinema. Clay animation or Claymation In Claymation, pieces of clay are shaped and moulded to create characters and based on the animator’s imagination, to create a story. Clays are available as oil based or water based. The clay is then moulded on a wire structure or frame often called armature. The various animated characters are then classified in different sets and with just short change in movements, the whole scene is captured to

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