Globalization Ethical Issues

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Nowadays the level of competition allows customers to make decisions based on several factors, including how much good a corporation is also doing outside of the workplace. Many individuals today are basing their corporate loyalties on how companies are positively impacting their community. The globalization of business appears to be a permanent trend, but there are many antagonists to it. Critics insinuate that globalization leads to the exploitation of developing nations and workers, destruction of the environment, and increased human rights abuses. They also discuss that globalization primarily benefits the rich and extends the gap between the rich and the poor. Supporters of globalization say that open markets lead to improved standards…show more content…
Maybe the most pressing issue is that of work standards in different countries around the world. Several firms have been stung by revelations that their plants around the world were “factories” and/or employed very young children. This problem is complex because societal standards and expectations regarding working conditions and the employment of children vary significantly around the world. Companies must decide which is the liable option: adopting the standards of the countries in which they are operating or imposing a common standard worldwide. A related issue is that of safety conditions in plants around the world. After this brief introduction about the actual situation of the market I can say that CSR have multiple purpose for helping firms to overcome the actual issue of the…show more content…
First of all is important to create a better Public Image: A company’s public image is something that managers have to take care. Corporate social responsibility programs helps firms to improve it and to show to clients and potential customers how the company take care about the environment. According to a study by Cone Communications, 9 out of 10 consumers would not chose to buy products from a society if there existed no corporate social responsibility plan. For example, if a company is heavily involved in the practice of donating funds or goods it increases the probability that a consumer will use their products. Furthermore, if a firm takes care to ensure that the materials used in its products are environmentally friendly and the process is sustainable, this goes a long way in the eye of the public. Generally, consumers feel good shopping at institutions that help the community. Secondly, company should create a better and More Media Coverage. Nowadays an important role is play from how the public sees your corporation. The media coverage become important for explain to customers, which are the CSR plan of the firm. It doesn’t matter how much your company is doing to save the environment if nobody knows about it. On the other hand, however, if a corporation participates in production or activities that bring upon negative community impacts, the media will also pick this up. Media visibility is only so useful in
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