Difference Between Globalisation And Globalization

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Lifestyle has changed as we are currently living in 21ST Century, wherein cities, countries and individuals have been gone through a lot of transformation in terms of development, spending capacity, way of living etc. This all has been witnessed because of Globalization. Globalization is referred as the beginning of worldwide movement towards the trade, economic and financial connections. In other words, globalization is the opening of interdependence and interconnection of exchange of capital, goods and services within different borders across the world. It has emerged all over the world and has boomed all the industries. It has helped to bring a lot of capital to the country. Technology has been the principle driver for globalization. The…show more content…
SPECIAL EVENTS: These special events are generally describes as Job Fairs, which are organized by the organizations to provide recruitment services to the potential candidates to come attend the fair and get a knowledge about the company, its goals, missions and what growth can it provide to the candidate. COMPARING AND CONTRASTING THE MODERN AND TRADITIONAL: When it comes to comparing the two methods, both are reliable and provide accurate and good amount of candidates as they help to reach a large pool of candidates and these methods are well trusted by the applying candidates because of certainty in end results. Contrasting the two methods modern recruitment saves a lot of time and the documentation is also in the form of soft copies which helps keep the original ones safe. Everything is done through electronic means quite effectively and efficiently. While in the traditional method , it takes a lot of time as it involves a step to step procedure manually and can have a few errors. This method can be a bit expensive as compared to the modern methods of recruitment. # TRADTIONAL SELECTION METHODS: Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate by a few procedures, from the pool of applied candidates in the process of…show more content…
In this test, the candidates are tested on their attitude and interpersonal skills. This method helps to judge the candidate other than his intelligence. # MODERN SELECTION METHODS: 1. PSYCHOLOGOCAL TEST: Psychological tests are meant to estimate the business features of the candidate. This helps to let know whether the person is capable enough of for that particular job or not. It also reflects what that person is meant to do. 2. SITUATIONAL TESTS: Situational Tests are a new method of testing, how would an individual react in a particular situation while on job. This is an important tests and gives a clear result about the performance of the candidate and his performance. COMPARING AND CONTRASTING THE MODERN AND TRADITIONAL: When it comes to comparing the two methods, both give a realistic view of the candidate would perform and will be able to tackle and will be able to tackle the situations or not. Also both methods involve two way communication which is an important criteria. Contrasting the above methods, the modern methods are quite time consuming as, situational tests involves learning process and is time consuming. The traditional method focuses on personal trait while modern method focuses on job
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