The History Of Globalization

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Globalization is a process for putting the world under one common unit without being bound by the boundaries and geographical position of a country. Through this process, the world finally has no boundary with the airspace and the sky of a country is open for access to various information channeled through various media intermediaries such as the internet, electronic media, and technology. This development allows for a relationship between a country and another country and human relations can be done within a short period of time. This is evidenced by indictment (Beck 2015) a bachelor's degree in international relations. He said technology actually removed the geography and social distance through the power of jet, computer, satellite and…show more content…
This means everything is a common property in the concept of a border less world. Globalization also refers to the transfer of values, especially the way of thinking and acting style from one area of the world to another of the other worlds. This widely-understood globalization is an indisputable fact. The fact that globalization exists before the term of globalization is introduced. The phenomenon of globalization can be construed as a wave that strikes the world. UNDERSTANDING OF GLOBALIZATION Understanding Globalization According to (Lechner 2009), Globalization is a process of making something (thing or behavior) as a feature of every individual in this world without being limited by region. Understanding Globalization According to (Gary, Robert & Ray 2001) globalization refers to the uniformity of relations and interconnected between the state and society that make up the modern world system. Globalization is a process whereby events, decisions and activities in one hemisphere can have important consequences for various individuals and communities in the other hemisphere. PROTON-GEELY…show more content…
The company was set up on May 7, 1983 by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. More proudly, it is the first car company in Southeast Asia. Long to short, PROTON (abbreviation for. Was established on 7 May 1983 with a paid-up capital of 150 million ringgit, being Malaysia's first car manufacturer. The establishment is the idea of Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, then Prime Minister, to achieve national aspiration towards industrialization. This heavy duty is supported by Berat Malaysia Berhad (HICOM) Corporation, as well as joint venture partners from overseas. But recently it was rumored that Proton would be sold to a foreign company. a French company, plans to buy Proton shares. You may never hear the name of the company but if you call Peugeot and Citroen cars you know. Before that, Proton had sent 20 proposals to 20 car makers. Finally Proton's short list of 5 companies to be selected . Although there are 5 shortlisted companies, Geely has the most local media attention. All this comes from the Chinese media that continues to play the issue. From other sources, Proton has changed its strategy to survive in the car manufacturing industry. One possible way to do this is look for new talent. In order to save Proton, the government has promised to borrow RM1.5 billion given through accumulated Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares. But to get a loan that Proton has to convince the government to find a
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