Gender Stereotypes In Japan

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Gender-neutral language in the job’s titles: occupational stereotypes in Japan. Introduction. In these days of economical globalization in contemporary Japan English is slowly becoming part of everyday life. For example, most of international companies based in Tokyo are using English as a communication language; moreover some Japanese traditional companies who are doing business globally using written English to communicate with their international business partners. However, I think economic development and modernization can not assure gender equality. In the past, most of the surveys in occupational stereotypes have been done outside of Japan, mainly the countries where the English is a first language. In fact, there is not enough work…show more content…
The labour force is officially open, giving an equal opportunity for men and women. In 1986 Japanese government brought to effect Equal Employment Opportunity Law (EEOL). However, according to the Global Gender Gap Report, Japan’s 2012 gender gap indicates complete inequality (Adachi, 2013, p.640, Kitamura, 2008, p.75). The aim of this survey is to explore occupational gender stereotypes in Japan, and whether there is any difference compare to previous work in the same area of…show more content…
Results show that employers’ sex typing excludes women in advance from jobs that provide higher wages and longer training. The analysis of the data shows that sex typing of jobs at the point of hire directly restricts women’s access to higher paying jobs and those with longer on-the-job training periods. “Such a behavior in the hiring process contributes to a gender gap in valuable outcomes. Wages a direct indicator of the value of the job. In addition, on-job-training is an important factor leading later to wage gap” (Mun, E., 2010, p. 2011) Another interesting study was recently conducted in Japan. Adachi, T., (2013), investigates existing ratios of female and males jobholders and has proved evidence of occupational gender stereotypes. Her research has provided evidence that the existing ratios of female to male jobholders are reflected in occupational gender stereotypes. As Glick indicated in 1991 (cited in Adachi p. 647), “people seem to form occupational images based on the people who are engaged in the occupation rather than the tasks that the occupation

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