What Is Propaganda In Ww2

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World War 2 started after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Propaganda was always used, but it didn’t have a big effect until WW2. The government knew that they wouldn’t succeed without the help of the citizens. “Whether it was abroad or on the home front, each American citizen was asked by their government to contribute to the war effort. Propaganda was put into effect by the American government shortly after the beginning of the war” (American Women 1). Because the government couldn’t succeed without the people, propaganda encouraged participation in the war on and off the battlefield and helped the United States win the war. Propaganda is defined as information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a…show more content…
The United States government realized that women were a vital source in the war. In order to win the war, the government realized they would have to out-produce Germany and Japan, who had been stockpiling weapons for years before the United States entered the battle. During this time period, women were not expected to do a lot out side of the house. They mostly stayed at home to cook, clean, and take care of the kids. “In 1942, the Office of War Information was created to both craft and disseminates the government’s message. They urged many women to join the workforce during the war. Since many men were drafted to the war, women were urged to take over their jobs in factories and other industries” (Rhodes, Anthony 3). Since a lot of the men went off to war, there were a lot of factory jobs that needed to be filled. They needed to be filled to help create supplies for the war. The propaganda aimed towards women told them that their country needed them and they were serving their patriotic duty by working in factories. For example, Rosie the Riveter was created to encourage women to join the work force. It was also the name given to women that worked. Women were told the war would end faster if they worked. Many women wanted to work in factories, anyways. Factories let women work close to home and it required no training. As a way to get young women to work in factories, women workers were shown as stylish and beautiful. Women were only encouraged to work, they were targeted in other was they could help in the war. Women could help by buying war bonds because they controlled the family finances since the men were at war. The government strongly encouraged women to join the workforce, but there campaign didn’t
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