Corrupted In Socrates 'Apology'

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In the Apology Socrates is convicted of corrupting the youth and teaching them not to believe in the Gods in whom the city believes. He is trying to defend himself and demonstrates that he was innocent against these charges that were brought to him by Meletus. The first crime against Socrates is corrupting the youth and according to Meletus he was the only person in Athen that does that. He demonstrates his innocence in two ways; “Either I do not corrupt the young or, if I do, it is unwillingly, and you are lying in either case” (p. 29). First, explains that wicked people intentionally harm their neighbors however, Socrates would also put himself at risk of being harmed and no one wants to harm himself or herself in anyway. Hence, Socrates did not corrupt the youth willingly, so he should not be brought to the court, and since he was unwillingly harming people Meletus should have instructed him. I will argue for the view…show more content…
Meletus explicitly says that Socrates doesn’t believe in any God whatsoever, but it seems to me that what he meant is that Socrates doesn’t believe in Athen’s God specifically, because Socrates mentioned that he believes in a supernatural power and spirits, and that did not change Meletus position towards Socrates. Socrates responds to the charges of impiety using the Socratic method, “Then since I do believe in spirits, as you admit, if spirits are gods, this is what I mean when I say you speak in riddles and in jest, as you state that I do not believe in gods and then again that I do, since I do believe in spirits”. (6-d). I believe that Meletus contradicts himself as it is impossible to believe in supernatural matters without believing in supernatural beings. Furthermore, the main reason behind Socrates’ mission is to obey the Oracle at Delphi, and to service him by reminding people of their own ignorance. For the given reasons, I find Socrates claim of believing in gods
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