The Importance Of Language Learning In The Classroom

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Introduction English is considered as a global language which is spoken by many people in most countries of the world. It is not only world's most widely used , but also as a leading language in education system when it comes to a second language learning. Speaking about the education system in Norway, the main second language taught in Norwegian schools today is English. This paper takes a closer look at an historical overview of English curricula in Norway, by focusing on some of the basic skills from the curriculum in English. The aim of this paper is to show the significance of oral skills development in the classroom, This research also proposes most possible activities and methods to be used by teachers in It will be focused…show more content…
A big attention was paid to mother tongue, underlying that L1 was the basis and foreign language learning. The most important target was to improve the pupils’ written and oral language competences (Drew and Sørheim 2009: 30-31). The Knowledge Promotion curriculum (LK06) The current English subject curriculum, LK06, replaced the L97 curriculum in 2006. It highlights the importance of English as L2 in Norway. It certifies that on purpose to ‘succeed in a world where English is used for international interpersonal communication, it is necessary to master the English language’ (LK06, English subject curriculum). The latest version of Knowledge Promotion curriculum (LK06) must be followed by all primary, lower-secondary and upper secondary levels Norwegian schools. The English subject curriculum involves different components of competence aims. These aims should be accomplished by the end of the 2nd, 4th and 7th grades of primary school, by the 10th grade of lower secondary school and after the first and second year of upper secondary school. The English subject curriculum in Norwegian upper secondary schools is divided into four parts(language learning, oral communication, written communication and culture, society and…show more content…
It involves knowledge about the language, being learnt, it's usage and perception about the system, being used by itself while learning a language. It should also mentioned the ability to assess the demands of own language usage and learning and to find out the best strategies and methods which ensures the productive academic process a when learning English language. Communication The second component ‘Communication’ focuses on English language in regard of communication purposes. The ability to communicate is achieved by acquiring such skills as reading, writing, listening, spontaneous oral interaction. According to Drew and Sørheim good communication comes into usage then required skills and knowledge in intonation, spelling, syntax, vocabulary and idiomatic structure are properly used. Culture, Society and Literature And the last component, but not less important is "Culture, society and literature" .It emphasizes on cultural understanding in general. The main focus is taken on English-speaking world by concentrating mostly on literature, social issues and

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