Followers To Leader

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From Follower to Leader Leadership is a word that brings up many different ideas, meanings, and feelings to every person. The leader I chose to interview is Diana; she is Lead Program Advocate for a Women Domestic Shelter. Diana has been working at the shelter for five years. Her job first started off as an internship for her major in Psychology. Now, her work consists as leading group activities to the survivors, checking her team members’ files, looking after the kid’s program, and overall being a supervisor and the person her co-workers report to. I decided to interview Diana, because I have had the pleasure to see her grow in her roles as a leader. She has grown into a new person and has new confidence that she has applied in other parts…show more content…
One aspect that Diana shows from the book is being a relational leader. A relational leader is being able to work together with other people. This involves being purposeful, inclusive, empowering, ethical, and the process. Being purposeful and inclusive for Diana means doing weekly meetings that go over the goals for week and for the shelter overall. This involves the positive change of teaching and helping client with their short-term goals and long-term goals. Overall, the goal is to help these women become functioning members of society once again. Being inclusive means listening to her team member’s opinions, concerns, and questions. This helps Diana make decisions about how to run her groups. One major aspect of her job is to empower the clients to do tasks that will benefit them. Many of the women have no confidence and are afraid to voice their opinion. Diana helps these women open up by running groups that will help them express themselves through art, music, or exercise. She also makes sure to create a safe environment for team members to express their feelings in her weekly meetings and makes sure that everyone is listened to and respected. Her team members also follow Diana’s values of being a leader. Honesty, caring, and openness are values that they take to heart. They know that these values work when trying to work with their clients, so they…show more content…
One of them states leadership is being able to take imitative and control. She believes that a leader has to be able to make decisions during tough situations. Another team member described leadership as a person who motivates and inspires people to change for a good cause. This team member used Martin Luther King Jr. as an example. She states that Mr. King was able to gather people for a cause that some claimed was hopeless, but he still was able to accomplish his goal being inspiring others. Their different views, show how leadership has different definitions for
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