Two Theories Of Leadership

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Introduction As leaders, we must always be up to date with what is new in the field and be open to all ideas and concepts that may arise. There are many types of leadership theories and concepts that are currently in practice. One of the ways of looking at leadership approaches is to do with the type of work and the relationship between the leader and a follower. The below two leadership styles are my favorite and relevant to my work experience depending when and where to use. Theory One Transformational Leadership Transformational Leadership theory is dependent on change and creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration. It executes the change with a commitment with the members in the group. Leaders using transformational theory…show more content…
If there is a failure, the leader must be a strong one or else the followers might be a waiver. Theory Two Transactional Leadership Transactional leadership is also known as managerial leadership, focusing on the role of supervision, organization and group performance through transactions or exchanges between the leader and followers. Its core assumption is that the working relationship is where the leader issues the work, praises, criticizes, rewards or punishes. (Bernard M. & Bass, 1985) There are some basic assumptions in transactional leadership, which leads the leaders believing that subordinates perform best when the chain of command is definite and precise. Workers are motivated by rewards and punishment for failing, obeying instructions with the command from their leaders. That is the primary goal of the followers and subordinates which needs to be carefully monitored to ensure that they met the expectations (Burns, 1978). Transactional leaders possess abilities like a knack for organization, follow rules through and motivate followers only by appealing for their self-interest. They are more feared than any other types of leaders for their authoritative nature and hence tend to get the job done by presiding over…show more content…
They handle all details that come together to build a strong reputation, while keeping employees productive on the front line (David Ingram, 2009). This approach is often seen where the people are low skilled or doing low-skilled jobs, small businesses, where processes are defined or in areas where there is little change of how procedures followed and executed. Transactional leadership style is habitually famous in the business, when employees are successful to have an intention of reward for their well-accepted performance, when they fail, reprimanded or punished (Changing Minds, 2002-2014). I found transactional leadership theory and concept a sort of more demeaning and disadvantageous to compare with transformational leadership. And I would avoid working in an environment where subordinates are treated much more like machines than with feelings due to the reward or punishment process for their performance. It has no motivation albeit if you do your part well, or to pay
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