Fieldtrip Reflection

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During the fieldtrip, which was held on February 22, I have made a lot of realizations about the world around me. The Oasis in Space film allowed me to learn more about the solar system and refresh my memory on the information I had learned in previous years. The Thronateeska science museum allowed the students to roam around and experience a number of different activities, ranging from puzzles to green screen interactive games in the virtual science lab. However, our fieldtrip was not only about learning different pieces of information, they called the viewers to action about the plastic epidemic not only in America, but in our entire planet as well. Many species of different animals live in and around Albany, GA that everyday citizens would not recognize. The FRQ Science Museum allows for students to see these creatures and learn about their…show more content…
In my personal opinion, astronomy is an interesting topic to learn about, but the idea that there is life on another planet is foolish to me. The reason for this may be my Christian back round; I believe in cold hard evidence and there is not enough evidence for me to believe. Otherwise, the planetarium was amusing and enjoyable to sit back and watch an informal video. The next event my group attended was a scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt was thrilling. zthe museum had many stations for my group, which included Ben, Tylecia, Amari, and myself, to explore and interact with. The friendly competition with my fellow groups made the mini labs more exhilarating. The things in the scavenger hunt that interested me the most were the timeline of the different eras and the organisms that lived during that time period and weather station. I believe that the weather station interested me the most because of the recent strange weather we have been participating

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