Federalism In The United States

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United States is a superpower country that consist of 50 states. Two states, namely Alaska and Hawaii separated its location from the other state. Alaska is located to the Southwest of Canada and Hawaii is located much further which is in the middle of Pacific Ocean. Each state has the right of autonomous or set up their own territory, except in the areas of defense and foreign policy, which is set by the central government. Because of that the government system in United States is a federal republic with Washington DC (District of Columbia) as the capital city of United States. What is the meaning of federalism? Federalism is a type of governmental system in political organization which the activities of government are divided or separated…show more content…
While the laws in 50 states apply only to residents who live in the state. Under the United States Constitution, the parliament has no power to abolish a state. Otherwise, a state cannot take power under the authority of the national government. In fact, under American federalism, the Constitution of the United States is a good source of authority for the national government and state governments. In federal country, central government has the power that has been determined with highest authority for foreign affairs. Under the Constitution, the United States government has a special power to regulate foreign or international trade and interstate trade, the circulation of money, providing naturalization for immigrants, as well as perform the function of army and navy. United States guarantee all the states in the form of republican government, thereby ensuring that no state in the form of monarchy or any other form. National government also has the power of court to resolve controversies between two or more states and between citizens from different…show more content…
However, there is a mechanism which enables the growth and development of inter-regional diversity across the country. Natural and cultural resources between regions should not be made uniform in the structure of the Homeland. In other words, the Homeland held to guarantee autonomy to the regions to develop their potential and assets with the support and help given by national government. Why should the form of a unitary state? As we recognize that Indonesia is an island country that has very high heterogeneity population level. Ethnic and cultural diversity make Indonesia as the most artificially nation on this earth (Anderson, 1991). This has become one of the main reasons why Indonesia used the concept of a unitary state in which the government set the course of the country in general by central government. Subsequently, then there is a concept of decentralization and regional autonomy which will make regions to issue their own potential. Furthermore, why a unitary state is the most suitable to Indonesia as heterogeneous nation? This is due to the presence of a government-controlled from the center of the policy should be given by the central government to local government in a way of uniform and fair, there is no area that given a special regulatory and policy. If Indonesia adheres to a federated system, there will be gaps in every area in Indonesia because of the principle of federation is the local government (or
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