Bim Advantages

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1.6 BENEFITS TO IMPLEMENTING BIM INTO THE QUANTITY SURVEYING PROFESSION Many quantity surveyors have minimal knowledge of BIM and are thus sceptical to implementing BIM into their daily works. Besides all the many tasks, which BIM can perform mentioned above; the overall usage of BIM can bring many benefits not only to the quantity surveyors but also to the whole construction industry. A list of BIM benefits stated by Nagalingam, Jayasena, and Ranadewa (2013:5) is highlighted below: • “The whole construction process becomes faster and more effective due to information being shared amongst the parties becoming faster and certain tasks taking less time to complete ; • A better design can be established as the design can be analysed thoroughly…show more content…
Even though BIM has the capability of replacing the time consuming and tedious tasks which quantity surveyors do, BIM will not be able to make quantity surveyors obsolete over-night. Quantity surveying, like any profession, is a constantly evolving profession that needs to keep evolving in order not fall behind with the construction industry (Raphael and Priyanka, 2014: 198). BIM can replace many tasks such as completing the bills of quantities, taking off, along with many other tasks. These replaced tasks are however not the only tasks which quantity surveyors need to do. The majority of these tasks are however time consuming and prone to error, thus it would be to the advantage of quantity surveyors to minimise these tasks. With quantity surveyors not having to complete these tasks, they have more time to focus on other tasks that are usually rushed (Matthews, 2011: 1). Quantity surveyors could focus on providing cost and money advice to their clients as well as providing alternatives on “how to cut carbon emissions, energy and running costs” as mentioned by Matthews (2011: 1). Dealing more with cost management as well as contractual decisions, communication issues and claims are other areas in which quantity surveyors could spend more time on. Becoming more involved with arbitration and disputes is another angle that quantity surveyors could specialise in (Nagalingam, Jayasena, and Ranadewa, 2013:…show more content…
One of the biggest arguments in favour of this is how can one integrate BIM when it is not theoretically or practically complete into the education system. One of the main reasons for not implementing BIM into educational programs is that many of these programmes are accredited by national and or international levels. This could result in misinterpretations of certain accreditations because BIM is not equally recognised in different countries. Accreditation bodies are also very sceptical when it comes to changing accreditation standards. Changes will only be made ones most industries have adapted and proven that this new change is beneficial. Another factor that prohibits the academic world to implement BIM is that many of the lecturers are 2D specialised and do not have enough knowledge or experience in 3D modelling and BIM (Kiviniemi,
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