Fast Food Questionnaire

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CHAPTER- 4 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Gender Response Percentage Male 77 51 Female 73 49 TOTAL 150 100% TABLE NO =4.1 INTERPRETATION : The above the gender of the customers, out of 150 customers 77 customers are male and 73 customers are female. ANALYSIS : The above chart shows that out of 150 customers 51% is covered by male customers, that is 77 out of 150 and 49% is covered by female, that is 73 out of 150 customers. TABLE NO =4.2 TABLE NO 4.2- TABLE SHOWING CUSTOMER AGE GROUP. Age range Respondent Percentage 14 or…show more content…
And remaining 17% of the customers are said no. TABLE NO 4.21 19. What type of promotion you think McDonald’s to increase the rate of profit? OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE Happy meal 98 65% Lunch mcvalue 32 21% Set meals 16 11% Breakfast 4 3% TOTAL 150 100% INTERPRETATION : The above table shows that What type of promotion you think McDonald’s to increase the rate of profit. As per the response 98 out of 150 customers have told Happy meals, 32 out of 150 have said that Lunch Mcvalue, 16 out of 150 customers have told Set meals, 4 out of 150 customers have said breakfast. ANALYSIS : The above chart shows that what type of promotion you think McDonald’s to increase the rate of profit. As per the response 65% of customers have told Happy meals, 21% of have said that Lunch Mcvalue, 11% of customers have told Set meals, 3% customers have said breakfast. TABLE NO 4.22 20. Which type of mc Donald’s promotional advertisement will attract yours eye? OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCANTAGE Internet 10 7% Newspaper 10 7% Bill boards 20 13% Posters 50 33% Magazines 10 7% Television 50 33% TOTAL 150…show more content…
What is the most important factor in decision to eat fast food in your chosen restaurant? OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE Menu 21 14% Ambience 36 24% Customer service 92 62% Opening hours 1 0% TOTAL 150 100% INTERPRETATION : The above table shows What is the most important factor in decision to eat fast food in your chosen restaurant. As per the response 21 out of 150 customers have told Menu, 36 out of 150 have said Ambience, 92 out of 150 customers have told Customer service, 1 out of 150 customers have said Opening hours. ANALYSIS : The above chart shows What is the most important factor in decision to eat fast food in your chosen restaurant. As per the response 14% of customers have told Menu, 24% of customer have said Ambience, 62% of customers have told Customer service. TABLE NO 4.25 23. What do you think of the product prices? OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCEBTAGE Friendly 26 17% Average 117 78% Highly expensive 7 5% TOTAL 150 100% INTERPRETATION : The above table shows What do you think of the product prices . As per the response 26 out of 150 customers have told Friendly, 117 out of 150 have said Average, 7 out of 150 customers have told Highly

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