Permaculture Case Study

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2.4.1 Contribution to dietary households needs Implementing permaculture in households would benefit society as a whole because it has the potential to help families individually. At many permaculture professionals say, it is perhaps the time to claim back the ownership of our production means. It is perhaps the time to take with old rural traditions and decide to grow our own food. Not only this is doable, but also the benefits that can be taken out from this are quite considerable. In 1997, CARE Australia implemented a Permaculture Pilot Project (PPP) at a kindergarten in Ain El Baida, a suburb of Tufileh, Jordan. The project turned to be very successful and was implemented afterwards by Ain El Baida Voluntary Society on larger scales…show more content…
The project, called the Siyakhana project, was to set up a plot of land of 1 hectare in Johannesburg City Parks in 2006 with the objective of growing fruits and vegetables with the objective of providing food for children attending early-childhood development centers and for the beneficiaries of non-governmental organizations providing home-based care for people living with HIV/AIDS. Again, a survey was made to measure the impact of the project on this South African population. Although the impact on health is not yet measurable, the project still improved food security in this urban area given that it increased their consumption of fruits and vegetables (the amounts of fruits and vegetables available and consumed in South Africa being quite low). The knowledge that they acquired also helped them in their choices and improved overall their health (what to eat, what not to eat, how to effectively use medicinal plants,…show more content…
In addition and maybe more importantly, a permaculture system relying on diversification helps to ensure a year-round food security since foods of the systems are harvested at different times of the year. Therefore, a shortage on food seldom appears as there is a constant food supply based on diversification. This is in total opposition with monocultures such as monocropping (wheat, corn). Indeed, they only benefit from two massive harvests a year, but are unable necessarily to ensure a healthy diet and the harvest production can only last one season. Even so, Modern agriculture has brought an excessive focus on growing just one single crop, providing to their population a diet centered too much around a type of cereal. This cereal centered diet lead to undernutrition (lack of protein, fat and micronutrients). Permaculture at the contrary permits to reduce this undernutrition with its diversification centered

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