Happy Birthday Speech

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Happy 30th birthday. Hopefully, by now you are a millionaire and have the submarine you've always dreamed of having. Even if you're not a millionaire, I still hope you're having a happy birthday. Are Mom and Anthony Isaac coming to your party? Oh, Anthony Isaac! That little bundle of joy aka “hiccup” aka your little brother, will now be 17 years old. On your 30th birthday, he will be older than you are today. That will be weird. Everything about him will probably be weird. He is a weird baby and he'll probably be a weird teenager. He's just weird. The weirdness probably started off on the day he was born. Do you remember that day? I'm sure you do. I'm sure you'll remember it forever. I remember that all my aunts and uncles had driven an…show more content…
There was nothing else I could do. We lived 40 minutes away from the hospital at the time, and all the rest of the family was in Phoenix picking sprinkles off a slice of birthday cake. It was the first time I ever had to call 911. I remember being nervous, but forcing myself to stay calm. I remember Mom screaming and SCREAMING as they loaded her in the back of the ambulance. I remember climbing in the front seat wondering if we were going to make it to the hospital in time. We did, barely. I remember the doctor saying there would not be enough time for medication. Then, I remember seeing the top of Anthony Isaac's head and hearing the doctor say “push”. I thought Mom was screaming before. She didn’t sound human. But three alien screams later, “Hiccup” was here. Of everything that happened that day…watching our brother being born…cutting his umbilical cord…watching Mom breastfeed him…those aren’t the things I remember the most. What I remember the most, was the thought, “It's really appropriate that I am the only one here for Mom. I’m always the ONLY one here for Mom. I’m always the ONLY one who stands by Mom. So, it's fine that Anthony Isaac’s horrid father isn't at the hospital. It’s fine that Mom's own family couldn't bother to be at the hospital. It’s fine that it is just me and Mom. Because it is always just me and Mom. Well, at least it was before Anthony Isaac

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