Fast Food Industry Analysis

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Poverty density in South Africa Density refers to the degree of compactness of a substance. Hence, we can deduct that poverty density refers to how much of a certain area falls into the poverty category. In Africa as of 2016, Mali had the highest poverty density and poverty in general. Nigeria had the least poverty in Africa, and thus is the richest country in Africa. Poverty Gap in South Africa Poverty gap refers to the average shortfall of the total poverty population, from the poverty line (counting the non-poor as having zero shortfall), expressed as a percentage of the poverty line. This measure reflects the magnitude of poverty as well as its incidence. Question 3: Fast food industry analysis Overview…show more content…
In addition, it is also a slight challenge for franchises that are already established to have high customer loyalty due to the amount of competitors in the market. A lot of these competitors provide the same products, for similar prices and have the same social status. The others will typically provide a similar product that fulfils the same need (in this case hunger/thirst), these are known as substitute products. o Why do people eat fast food? There are a few different reasons people may choose to eat fast food. According to research, 67% of people eat fast food because it’s convenient. 32% of people eat fast food because they view it to be overall cheaper than preparing a meal. 6% of people had other reasons such as having gotten coupons or going to eat out with family or friends. All these different categories of people are in the target market of all fast food industries. o Economic…show more content…
This is directly proportional to the stores that contribute the most to the fast food industries income. o Porters 5 Forces of Fast Food Industry Bargaining power of buyers Buyers have high bargaining power in a place where there are a lot of fast food franchises because there is a lot of variety to choose from. For example, if the queue is too long at one outlet, the buyer can easily go to the next outlet. What determines the high buyers’ bargaining power is the high number of sellers to accommodate the buyers’ needs. However, the high bargaining power of the buyer is a disadvantage to a fast food restaurant operating at the place. Bargaining power of suppliers Buyers’ power is low due to the number of suppliers for the similar needs. The determination of the low suppliers’ bargaining power here is the lack of differentiation among the suppliers’ products. Therefore, this is advantage for a fast food outlet. Competitive rivalry amongst

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