Hume Theory Of Morality

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Natural selection has instilled human beings with moral sense Morality is deeply rooted in human nature; a human being performs all of the actions in terms of moral principles that is why their origin is highly significant topic. Being limited by the moral ideas, a human being naturally raises such questions, as where they came from, and why they are needed. Nonetheless, there is a problem with the direct investigation of morality, because, as Jules Alfred Ayer states that since no moral facts can be known (they are not verifiable), they have no cognitive significance (Macdonald G., 2010). Therefore, one has to answer one’s own questions by searching for information somewhere else, because morality itself is not a source. At this point,…show more content…
While morality, according to Hume, exists independently from human beings; it is a product of a human mind that is highly influenced by the need to survive and to continue the kind, according to evolutionary ethics. Morality came from us with experience; it is set by humanity with the certain aim. Every single moral law contributes to the safety, survival of the species and the better and longer life of an individual, as a part of the species. Therefore, one certainly needs the moral code, because it directs one toward the positive changes in life quality and, what is more important, it prevents one from extinction. To know how it works, consider a simple example of a familiar moral law not to kill. Killing is a very straightforward case; once there is no such moral principle, a human life would be worthless, and cases of murder for food or other “worthier” things would be the norm. So, there would be high danger of being killed inside the group; moreover, it would make a human kind more vulnerable for other citizens of the Earth. One can see now that moral law has substantial meaning for humanity. Recognizing that it is necessary for a stable life to establish certain universal binding laws, human beings created official laws, for violation of which one will be punished. From this point of view,…show more content…
Plato’s dialogue “Euthyphro” is a bright example of transcendentalism. The conclusion, Plato made in his work, is that since there is no universal moral law that fits every case, there should not even be such notion as morality, because humans approach the independent moral code differently. Empiricists, in their turn, that morality is not somewhat, vibrating in the space, but it is based on experience that determined by the external
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