Ethical Issues In Fast Food

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Introduction: For many years, fast food has been an easier and convenient alternative source of readymade food. Consumers buying the food entrust the business to be truthful in the preparation of their food but over the years conspiracies concerning businesses not being transparent when preparing the food have made it harder for consumers to enjoy their meals. These conspiracies are often proven and always impact big corporations. Major scandals that have recently occurred include: McDonald’s allegedly mixing by-product mixture (a pink slime like substance) to fill their beef patties or Burger King admitting to using horse meat claiming that their Polish supplier provided them with the wrong meat. Media coverage is not always negative and…show more content…
The general theme of the research task is fast food. In choosing a research question, the identification of an issue within the industry was a basis point. Overall reading and research about the fast food industry has to be done in order to give direction into choosing the appropriate topic. The question had to be specific and detailed. For this particular research task, the question at hand is “Investigating the role that the media plays in shaping the purchasing behaviour within the fast food industry at DSG” Ethical considerations: • The research question may not violate privacy or make learners feel uncomfortable. • The research question must be appropriate. • The research question may not be discriminatory toward any race, ethnic group or culture. Aims: In formulating the aims of this research task, the chosen research question was referred to. The purpose of the aims is to provide direction of which questions about the research topic should be answered. They provide an outline of the research task. The aims are to be referred to when concluding the research found. Ethical considerations: • Realistic aims have been…show more content…
Outlets in the industry that are able to, for example McDonalds and KFC, have provided consumers with 24hr service and drive thru’s for convenience and pleasure. It is also true in saying that over the past few years, there have been patterns of large scandals that broke out due to consumers finding ‘not very edible’ substances in their meal. Nowadays it is easy for any consumer to retaliate against fast food outlets for providing them with hazardous food. Through social media, awareness is created about fast food outlets not being honest or being unsanitary in the preparation of the food that they sell to consumers. Issues like this bridge the trust between the outlet and the consumer. This research task provides research about the extent that such scandals have on the buying patterns of clients. The focus of this task is to investigate whether DSG scholars’ buying patterns are influence by the media or not. The questionnaire was widely distributed amongst DSG learners and the results that came back are first hand. There have been 27 of

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