Family Friendly Work Case Study

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Family friendly works benefits, “the provision of traditional benefits, such as health insurance and paid vacation, and arrangements may be in the form of flexible work schedule, statutory and non-statutory leave, and family friendly work environment” (ILO; Schwartz ,1994), is identified to be of immense benefits to labour. Evidence suggests these provisions where available has associated benefits such as family bonding, healthy child development and career advancement in organizations (King, Botsford, & Huffman, 2009). Parents who patronised such services have higher levels of job satisfaction among others. Countries have thus put in measures to provide family friendly policies, paternity and maternity leave etc. (United Nations, 2012). Countries…show more content…
This study therefore seeks to explore institutional response and men’s willingness to be involved in future childcare with insights from Ghanaian public universities. The finding we hope will reveal institutional position on family friendly work benefits provision for men in Ghana, the willingness of men to take advantage of these provision and the implications for family and career advancement of women and men. The study will employ the gender ideology theory as its…show more content…
Existing traditional view on childcare has mainly been that, it is ‘women’s work’ and a taboo for men (Ejuu, 2016). However, emerging evidence points to the fact that men are or are seeking to engage in child care. Though not equal, men’s assistance to domestic work (Bianchi, Milkie, Sayer, & Robinson, 2000) and childcare (Pleck & Masciadrelli, 2003) is increasing. Livingston (2014) notes that in comparison to 1965 where fathers in the USA engaged little in childcare, 2013 saw a nearly three-fold increase in fathers’ role in childcare. Fathers spent almost 7 hours a week on child care related tasks. Further almost 15 percent of all stay-at-home parents in the USA are men. Ulrich Beck (1992) argues that as paid work ceases to be the main factor of identity, men devote more in family

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