Why Do I Want To Study At University Essay

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Universidad Gerardo Barrios has completely changed my style of learning, I can say that being a student of the UGB is another level of learning, everything is totally different to the process of teaching-learning of the school and of the high school, teachers are highly qualified to teach and form students capable of serving to the future students to integrate into the society in a professional future and of quality, I can say that since I started my career in English, one of my goals was to strive to be a professional in life, as it is known to study at University is not easy because it involves money, if you do not have money you cannot study at University, on the other hand I can say that when I started studying at the University did not have any knowledge about English language, from small I had always shown a great interest in becoming a teacher of English and in this way to teach other people in future generations with my few learned knowledge.

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