Glass Ceiling Theory

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1. Concept of Glass Ceiling 1.1. Women's role at work The Glass Ceiling act is a concept that was first mentioned in 1987. This concept started as an expression on why women could not get high positions in different organisations. (Muhonen, 1999) The glass ceiling´s way of structure made it more difficult for women to get jobs. Women are seen to be inferior to men, regardless of the level of difficulty at the workplace. , 1999). In reference to Folke & Rickne (2014) the glass ceiling act where a group of people, in this case, women, who are less likely to get a promotion within the organisation, even though they are as qualified as other male employees. (Folke & Rickne, 2014) Within different organisations and businesses the discrimination…show more content…
Their study discovered that women tended to be positioned in management positions when the business was in poor condition. This leads up to the face that women have a bigger change of getting in to more unsafe situations which could lead to failure (Ryan & Haslam, 2006). Furthermore, the study revealed that females were more likely to fail while being in this position. They called this the glass cliff cause. Not only have women decreased chances of obtaining high positions, but they also have an increased risk of failure (Ryan & Haslam, 2006). In the society today, highly positioned jobs are not made for the new modern way of seeing equality within the business. The industry is still based on an old school hierarchy where the CEO and manager positions are made for males by males (Andersson, Barkman & Steen,…show more content…
This, in particular, is related to the Swedish parental leave and the day-care systems that is made to create an equal family situation (Albrecht, Björklund & Vroman, 2001). The lowest salaries in Sweden are still comparatively high, which makes it harder for households with career-oriented woman to have the opportunity to have help with children and household. By not having the possibility to have that, makes it more difficult to take that time that is needed for a high positioned job (Albrecht, Björklund & Vroman, 2001). Tax deduction on domestic household services has been discussing not only in Sweden but also in other countries throughout Europe. Due to the high tax system and high salaries, the domestic services makes the demand for domestic services lower, by having a tax deduction on these types of services would help increase the demand for these type of services (Nyberg, 1999). The Dutch government has enforced family-friendly rights, such as parental leave, and sick leave. These privileges apply equally to both women and men. Furthermore the government also support both parents to change their work hours, this helps the families to become more equal (Widener,

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