Why Do Girls Excel Boys In Academics

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GIRLS EXCEL BOYS IN ACADEMICS Submitted to: Prakasha GS Assistant Professor, School Of Education Christ University, Bangalore By Swathy K B Ed B batch, Reg. No: 1414945, School of Education, Christ University, Bangalore, Ph: 9036083763 Email ID: swathy.k@ed.christuniversity.in Abstract From time immemorial, one of the major discussion item in academic field is whether girls excel boys in academics or the vice versa. A lot of research works were done on this topic. In 2014, the research done by American Psychological Association came out with their findings that girls excel boys in academics. This assignment focusses on the trends and reasons for why girls excel boys in academics. Key Words: Self-discipline Conscientiousness Academics…show more content…
A standard solution need to be made for this issue. If girls excel boys in academics, what are the reasons for this trend? How boys can overcome these problems? The rest of the assignment focusses on finding solution to these questions. Girls score more than boys- A Global Scenario A recent research conducted by American Psychological Association shows that girls outperforms boys in all academic subjects across the globe. In USA, Canada, Norway, Turkey, Taiwan, Germany, Malaysia, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, Slovakia, UK, Africa, Finland, India, Hong Kong etc. girls perform better than boys in academics. According to them, this is not a recent development. UNICEF also published a report in 2011, whereby it came out with the report that girls performs better than boys in academics. They conducted research on the schools in Thailand, Philippines, Mongolia and Malaysia. Indian…show more content…
Internal assessments or Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation give more weightage to assignments and projects. Girls tend to gather more information about the assigned topic from the first day and they start to work on the project or assignment rigorously. But boys on the other hand does everything in the eleventh hour or just they copy what their friends have done. This makes girls perform better than boys. • Importance given to sports by boys Boys give more importance to sports than academics. They always want to perform better in their field of sports. It is evident from the fact that boys doesn’t like to sit in classrooms and they prefer not to come to school, but if they have sports period or PT period in their timetable on a particular day, there will be cent percentage attendance for boys in a class. It is true that boys excel girls in sports field. • Part time jobs In Government schools, majority of the students are from poor families. Majority of the boys will be helping their father after their school hours. They also bear the responsibility of raising the family. Sometimes due to tiredness, they may not be able to attend the next day’s class. So they lack flow of content and they fail in

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