Macbeth Macfindlach Analysis

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"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me,” (Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act I, Scene III). William Shakespeare’s powerful, prominent play, does not line up precisely with the historical life of Macbeth MacFindlaech. The alters he made in Macbeth were many, especially with the leading character, Macbeth. William Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, interpreted MacFindlaech inaccurately by adapting his character, his murder, and his death. The real King Macbeth MacFindlaech of Scotland grew up studying under monks at a Christian monastery, while his father served as earl of Moray. Unfortunate circumstances invaded Macbeth MacFindlaech’s life. At a tender age fifteen, his detestable cousins, Malcolm and Gillecomgain, intentionally murdered his father. Word spread of the murder. The two gruesome cousins were punished and Gillecomgain died. After several years, Macbeth married his cousin’s widow, Grouch. He adopted her son, Lulach, who would eventually take the throne directly after Macbeth. Under the rule of King Duncan MacCrinan, Scotland struggled for six entire years. In 1040 A.D., Macbeth defeated Duncan in battle, gaining the throne for himself. Around the…show more content…
A scoundrel, villain, and murderer are who described Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Hate and fearlessness poured out of Shakespeare’s Macbeth’s mouth when he spoke. His emotions controlled him, causing him to sway back and forth like the wind tossing the ocean. Wicked thoughts consumed him and his very own wife, Lady Macbeth, tempted him to murder the king. Lady Macbeth saw a coward in Macbeth, “By her own definition, she has become more of a man than her husband…,” (Leithart, Brightest Heaven of Invention, pg.178 &179). Fearful, Macbeth, “followed his wife’s example by putting aside the milk of human kindness and replacing it with gall and thick blood,” (Leithart, Brightest Heaven of Invention,

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