Family Appeal Research Paper

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How Do I File an Appeal? The first and possibly most important aspect of filing a Family Law appeal is the need to understand that the appeals process is lengthy and sometimes extremely complicated. While an appeal may be filed through the court system without the aid of an attorney, it is inadvisable. There are many different hurdles and complicated matters that will need to be addressed during an appeals process, and an attorney is the only person who can accurately direct you through the process. As the appellant, or person filing for an appeal, the first step in the procedure is to file a Notice of Appeal with the local court system. For all cases held within the United States, this will mean that you must file your Notice of Appeal within the county of which you reside. In addition to the stringent filing process, there are deadlines for filing an appeal that must be followed very strictly. If the appeal deadline has passed, your case will not be heard, no matter how valid your appeal may be. The Cost of an Appeal As the appellant, you are the party responsible for paying the filing costs of an appeal. While these fees can sometimes be waived, this only occurs in extreme circumstances where the appellant can illustrate the utmost hardship. Once the initial filing cost is paid, it is then up to each party to handle the court costs and…show more content…
For this to happen, the appeals court will need to examine the records related to the original case. This will include all legal findings, transcripts, evidence, and testimonies that were pertinent to the case. The appellant can designate certain information to be sent to the appellate court, especially if that information contains a valid argument for appeal. The appeals court however, will inevitably seek out and read the entire record, not merely the designated record sent by the
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