Factors Affecting Organizational Culture

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4.2. FACTORS DETERMINING THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Factor analysis is data reduction tool. It removes redundancy or duplication from a set of correlated variables. Factors are formed that are relatively independent of one another. Firstly, the researcher evaluated the various factors determine the organization culture in . The respondents were offered to answer 5 point scale where ‘5’ meant “strongly agree” and ‘1’ meant “strongly disagree”. The data on the 18 variables are analyzed using the principle axis factoring method. The Table.4.9 represents the factors that responsible for the Organizational Culture. Table.4.9 FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Organizational culture variables Factor loading Reliability Co-efficient Eigen…show more content…
In this study KMO value is 0.936 which is more than the general rule (0.5). Bartlett’s test of sphericity is to find out the relationship between the variables. A p- value is < 0.05 indicates that it makes sense to continue with the factor analysis, therefore it is concluded that there are relationships between the variables. After careful examination, it is decided to obtain three factors as they produced the most meaningful solution. Here vary max rotation is used where the major objective is to get a factor structure in which each variable observed loaded highly on one and only one…show more content…
It consists of seven variables with the reliability co-efficient of 0.891. I frequently socialize with my co-workers outside the workplace has the highest load of 0.800, I talk up this organization to my friends as a great organization to work for is loaded as 0.779, For me, this is the best of all possible organizations for which to work. is loaded as 0.750, I feel that I have equal status with my peers in the organization is loaded as 0.737, My superiors regularly invite me to socialize outside the workplace is loaded as 0.707, I have considerable opportunity for independence and freedom in how I do my job is loaded as 0.675 and I find that my values and the organization’s values are very similar is loaded as 0.659 on the factor 1. The Eigen value and the per cent of variation explained by this factor are 5.009 and 16.16 per cent
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