Role Of Accountability In Criminal Justice Organizations

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Discuss the important role of accountability in any criminal justice organization. What role does management/supervision play in limiting and reducing the amount of ethical violations by their organization? The purposes of the Police Accountability, Oversight and Integrity Handbook, is to defined accountability as checks and balances aimed to ensure police performed their duties appropriately and that they are held accountable for their actions (2011). This process holds police accountable for their integrity, deter misconduct, and restore or enhance public confidence in policing in their community (2011). Police integrity is everything; it is the driving force to keep them from misusing their powers and abusing their rights and privileges…show more content…
Several of these cultures and subcultures are a line with legitimate goals and serve as a positive influence on the operations side of these organizations (Scaramella, G., Cox, S., McCamey, W., 2011). However, the police culture can involve police abide by a code of silence and extreme loyalty to other police officers in their organization ( ). Further influence of the police culture often involves feelings of isolation from the communities that they serve and a mistrust of supervisory ranks in their organization ( ). The most common known is to be accepted by the group which may lead to turning a blind eye to the misdeeds of their colleagues (Scaramella, G., Cox, S., McCamey, W., 2011). This portion of the subculture has a powerful and long-lasting effect on organizational attempts to diminish incidents of misconduct by police officers (Scaramella, G., Cox, S., McCamey, W., 2011). Furthermore, stress is another factor affecting police officers, the sources of which are both real and perceived by the public (Scaramella, G., Cox, S., McCamey, W., 2011). The isolation feature on us versus them attitudes are key examples of stressors amongst them (Scaramella, G., Cox, S., McCamey, W., 2011). Policing involves numerous stressors but it up to the officers on how he or she deals with it. Officers that shows signs of stress associated with the negative aspects of the police subculture are more likely than their counterparts to fall victim to a police burnout (Scaramella, G., Cox, S., McCamey, W., 2011). A burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion and cynicism (Scaramella, G., Cox, S., McCamey, W., 2011). In order to combat the negative influences of the police subculture and the subsequent forms of stress, police administrators must be vigilant in their efforts to identify behaviors exhibited by officers before it gets out of

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