Explain Why I Have Been Involved In Working With Children And Young People

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I have been involved in working with children and young people for over 20 years and have worked within many different settings. As part of my work, I have had experience working in schools, sessional youth work, developing projects, and street-based detached work. Moreover, I have worked with vulnerable young people within sheltered accommodation and, more recently, worked with vulnerable students within school settings. Within my most recent position I mentored young people who were at risk of exclusion, had chaotic home lives, some with Special Educational Needs. Due to the nature of my most recent role, I had to be approachable to people from all areas of society and backgrounds. Within this position, I had young people disclose issues of…show more content…
Subsequently, I am aware of children’s services, the importance of working within safeguarding procedures, equal opportunities and confidentiality. Further to this, I have supported young people and children who have been bereaved. Some of these students were signposted to me through senior staff or a teacher who asked me to provide pastoral support. For example, I worked closely with three siblings who had lost their mother when they were very young as well as having little contact with their Farther due to mental health issues. I met with them weekly as well as liaising with other staff members regarding their support. For these young people I implemented time out cards for when they were feeling particularly upset or angry. I also worked with a family with primary age children who had lost their Father due to suicide. One of the children had discovered the Father dead and I would often work one-on-one with that child. During my work with young people I would use art, music and or play therapy. As well as this I implemented time out cards and a sensory space where children could go and have
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