Annotated Bibliography On Human Trafficking

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Drishti Paudel MCWP 50 F14 PASTRANA Annotated Bibliography – Final Draft 11/11/2014 Human trafficking is one of the many serious issues discussed about in the world. Trafficking refers to illegal buying and selling of individuals for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor or simply servitude. It is one of the fastest growing and most lucrative crimes of the world, which only comes second after the illegal drug trade. Hundreds and thousands of all groups of people including men, boys, women and girls are targeted; however, it is revealed that the primary victims of this abhorrent act worldwide are women and girls who are made particularly vulnerable due to persistent inequalities and unequal opportunities (Deane 491). A…show more content…
Anuradha Koirala is one such recipient of the honor, who has been actively working against human trafficking since 1993. Through her organization called Maiti Nepal, located in Kathmandu, Nepal, she has been helping hundreds of trafficked women and girls rescue from the borders, bring back the victims and help them reconstruct their self-esteem and live happily for the rest of their lives. Maiti Nepal also works extensively to raid brothels in India and hand them over to the law. Considering all that she has done, in the efforts of creating a human trafficking free society, Anuradha Koirala was awarded CNN hero of the year 2010. Throughout the video, the seriousness of the issue is discussed ranging from the causes of the problem, how traffickers lure the victims, how the victims are treated in brothels, to how they are physically, mentally and emotionally tortured. This video could be a great primary source for my paper since it includes almost every central idea of the project including the causes, consequences and methodologies. I could also present the need of several new organizations like Maiti Nepal that can aid in the process of eradicating human trafficking from at least Nepal altogether. This source ties in very well with my first primary source since it further clarifies the intensity of the problem occurring within the number of victims writers…show more content…
In his article, he has either agreed to or denied different notions that people generally have regarding trafficking by backing up with factual evidences and researches done in the past. In the process, the writer has addressed the issue of whether or not legalizing prostitution will increase trafficking. He says it depends on how it is done. He brings in his article, a statement printed on the State Department website that says that there is a greater demand for human trafficking victims and nearly always an increase in the number of women and children trafficked into the sex slavery. In a very interesting way, he parallels this argument with the state of Nevada where the number of foreign sex slaves should have been abundant if the logic followed. Strangely enough, the Netherlands, Australia and Germany, where prostitution has been legalized, they have been pointed out as the areas where trafficking is only increasing. The writer has also mentioned instances of the increasing risk of sex workers to the dangers of trafficking when efforts to prohibit prostitution were

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