response to the question of what is my relationship to Aboriginal peoples. I recall as I wrote the response the nerves as I acknowledged my lack of relationship and understanding concerning Aboriginal people. In this moment I made a vow to myself to not be disheartened but rather experience the fullness that needed to fill a now apparent void. I read over the Dion article twice and then re read certain passages, yearning to learn more about Aboriginal Peoples. Instead I was surprised. There are three
Growing up as an Aboriginal person forced him to be placed into residential schools which explains why alcoholism is relevant in the first place. These residential schools were created in a way that socially excluded Aboriginal people and stripped them of their rights and opportunities, thus, also taking away the majority of their potential to gain income. The majority of
history During the 19th century, thousands of indigenous kids were stolen from their families due to government policies. This horrifying incident has later been called for the stolen generation. It was a horrendous act on mankind if you ask me. Why did they do such? I believe it was to eradicate the different cultures and races which were existing in the land, so Australia could have one race, one language, one culture and one belief. This is my reflection and thoughts on Australia’s stolen generation