The Importance Of The Meaning Of Life

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Knowledge is something encountered almost invariably. Whether it takes the form of being obtained from our senses through sense perception and converted into personal knowledge, or acquired from pools of shared knowledge to be interpreted by ourselves, it most certainly is important to us. The extent of that importance is dependable on the precise knowledge itself. In our personal lives, which you may interpret as anything pertaining to an individual’s existence, this statement states that knowledge creates meaning and purpose. Correlate meaning to the phrase “what is the meaning of life” to see it as the significance of something and understand “a sense of purpose” to look at purpose as intentionality. With this statement highlighting the whole point,…show more content…
Already from these examples you can see that this is evident as a scientist could argue that there is no propositional knowledge behind religious facts while a devout could say that the word of God is fact itself. However, they both show signs that assuming the whole point of knowledge is to produce meaning and purpose is a significant reduction of knowledge. This claim suggests that meaning and purpose are things that can easily be made and fulfilled, not things that develop and grow over time. You gain some knowledge and that should tick off meaning and purpose like boxes in a list. Furthermore, it reduces the value of knowledge in saying it only produces these two things. One could easily say that knowledge is essential in giving us the means to survive, like sense perception for example to see dangerous things or understand that you need to eat, but also just to provide us with general satisfaction, as we begin to understand what makes us content as we progress through life. Meaning and purpose are more extensive than contentment with life so this statement suggests that the other purposes of knowledge are not
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