Expectancy Value Theory

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or in your company. I try my best to manage my staff by setting yearly, monthly, weekly and daily schedules for making the work going well. This also makes each one of the employees know exactly what, when and where to do his/her work. I also try to hold meetings with my new employees as well as other ones to know more about them and what can they do for their work. ANALYSIS: Activation is clearly noticed in the work of the company. The manager makes specific steps to reach the goals of the company and to motivate its staff. Persistence and vigor are shown in the schedules set by the manager.  Describe the atmosphere of the company and how the employees attract with each other? THE ANSWER WAS: I always make sure that the atmosphere is…show more content…
And this is what we call the expectancy value theory. " the basic idea underlying expectancy-value theory is that motivated behavior results from the combination of individual needs and the value of goals available in the environment. For example, if you want to give an employee who loves football a ticket for a scientific exhibition, you won't see any improvement in his work. But, he will work and hit the target and maybe above that if you give him a ticket for a champion match as a reward on his work. Therefore, the recommendation to the manager of the company we chose is that he should try his best to be more specific on the motivational program and give each employee the suitable reward for his/her work to continue hitting the target and increase the production of the…show more content…
Therefore, any motivational program should never be stopped. However, we can manipulate the ideas that we give in motivation. For example, if a teacher wants his/her students to be motivated in the subject, he/she will use some motivational strategies like token economy or reinforcement. But if they stop motivation for their students, the productivity in this case will decrease. In other words, the good grades for students in a specific subject will go down gradually if they no longer be motivated. Then, the teacher must change or vary the reward that was given to the students. For example, in the first month the teacher will reward students with a bonus, and the next month he/she will change the reward to be something entertaining for the student. So, our recommendation to the manager of the company that we chose is to be creative in providing motivation to the employees. Never stop motivating your employees but start changing the ideas, the rewards or the reinforcements that you provide for the employees. This will lead to increasing the productivity in the company and will make the employees satisfied in their

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