Employee's Theory Of Motivation

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Motivation can be the main key to get the expected performance from a team or an individual employee. According Cambridge Dictionary (2017), motivation is the enthusiasm for doing something. Along the years many social scientists have been studying about how motivation can impact on workplaces and some of them developed theories that can help on the increase of productive based on motivation. Frederick Taylor published the earliest motivational theories in 1911. He believed that people were motivated basically by money (TESCO, 2017a). Applying his theory was pretty simply: each employee was designed to work just on one task, in order to became faster and a specialist on its execution. In this scenery, people were paid according the number…show more content…
He believed that the motivation level of someone depends on his perception of justice, equity and fairness used by the company (MSG Experts). This means that employees compare their contributions (inputs) to how they are being compensate (outputs) as well as they compare their efforts with their peer´s efforts (his contribution and compensation versus their peer’s contribution and compensation). Basically, when the input/output of the subject (employee who is judging) is higher or equal of his peer there is a sense of fairness generally making him feel happier and motivated to continue inputting at the same level, otherwise the employee can feel unmotivated because of the feeling of being less important than others. Managers who understand the equity theory can notice while trying to improve just one person's terms and condition, he can satisfy an individual (for a while) but can make others feel upset by the perception of not being taken in consideration. In this scenery, instead of sort one situation out he is creating a worse one. However, even this theory helping in explaining why pay and conditions should be treated separately do not determine motivation. The theory of needs created by Abraham Maslow and published in his paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” in 1943, focus on the psychological needs of employees. Maslow divided the workers needs in five categories that can be…show more content…
Good leaders are capable of keeping their team motivated and as result getting the expected performance to achieve a goal. The leader is also responsible for building an environment where people feel comfortable to work with an open communication channel with their leaders and peers, making possible a transparent relation with mutual contribution. One of the main keys to motivate people is never forgetting that they are people and not machines. Besides the normal expectations such as salary and benefits, they want to feel respect, needed and useful. There is no magic formula that will work in every situation and for everyone, but common sense will always help when not sure about the best approach. Therefore, these theories will provide a solid base for any leader build your own style of motivating people, keeping in mind the communication and paying attention to details can be the difference between have a successful team or
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