Paternity Leave Case Study

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Paternity leave is “paid or unpaid leave taken by a father following the birth of his child” (Heery & Noon, 2008). In Hong Kong, fathers can enjoy three days’ paternity leave from their employers according to the Employment (Amendment) Ordinance 2014. The law is implemented on 27 February 2015 (“Statutory Paternity Leave,” 2015). The paternity leave should be encouraged in Hong Kong. This essay examines the benefits of the paternity leave in Hong Kong. This essay argues for three main reasons which are harmonious family relationship, good health and gender equality. It is claimed that paternity leave in Hong Kong enhances the financial burden of the companies, especially the small and medium enterprises. Researched by the government is that…show more content…
It also reveals that “paternity leave can help foster better father-child relationships” (Gillett, 2015). It makes clears that paternity leave lets father and children who are in baby stage get closer and lessen the burden of taking care of the new-born baby from mothers after they gives birth. Moreover, Mr. Reiley calls the fathers’ movement and has benefited from paternity leaves. He reveals that the "It was basically to give my wife some break''(Frazier, 2007). Hence, another research perceptively states that a family which enjoys the paternity leave could own a long-lasting and happier family life in the future (“The True Benefits of Paternity Leave”, n.d.). The reason of the above two phenomenon formation is believed that the paternity leave tends to give some rest for mothers and arrange coordination between parents. Therefore, it probably reduces the argument of the family because of the work load of looking after the baby. Ultimately, it possibly strengthens family relationship and helps to build up harmonious society. Paternity leave therefore benefits the family relationship in Hong

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