Examples Of Restorative Justice

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According to Statistic Canada “The incarceration rate for Aboriginal adults in Canada is estimated to be 10 times higher than the incarceration rate of non-Aboriginal adults. The over-representation of Aboriginal people in Canada’s correctional system continued to grow in the last decade. Since 2000-01, the federal Aboriginal inmate population has increased by 56.2%. Their overall representation rate in the inmate population has increased from 17.0% in 2000-01 to 23.2% today, in 2010-11, Canada’s overall incarceration rate was 140 per 100,000 adults.” (Statistics Canada, 2013) in the years since 2013 the incarceration rate of first nations people continues to grow and will continue to grow unless something is done, there are actions that…show more content…
thus, giving the offenders the opportunity to take responsibility for theirs actions and redeem themselves in the eyes of themselves and the community. Restorative Justice is a different framework for reducing recidivism and providing public safety. It is not a program. It is a collection of concepts put into action to administer justice as a process that involves the victim, the offender and the community. It does not seek to undermine or mitigate the punitive characteristics of incarceration. Taking responsibility is fundamental and therefore more difficult for the offender. Restorative Justice Principles facilitates changing the offenders’ thinking and raising their level of moral reasoning. It attempts to teach offenders empathy and compassion for human suffering. Both qualities many offenders lack through inadequate childhood socialization, neglect or abuse. With a Restorative Justice correctional long-term direction, the focus is appropriately placed on healing the victim, making whole the community and restoring the offender to a moral place he was or should have been. This model gives offenders a chance to reclaim their lives, to give back and be a positive force in their community. These are two initiatives that have been put into place in correctional facilities around Canada that hold a strong restorative justice…show more content…
This enables offenders to understand the physical, financial and emotional aftermath of what they have done”. Victim-Offender Mediation is “ a structured meeting with a specific victim and their offender. This process is more of a personal encounter brokered by a Mediator and aimed to facilitate healing the victim and to bring the offender face to face with the human suffering they have caused”. “ Community Service Sanctions can also assist in holding offenders accountable for the harm they have caused and will provide consequences designed and with victim input to help repair the victim and pay back the community”. This could involve assisting at senior citizens centers, food banks, Victim Impact Panels or repairing property damage cause by crime. Community Service Sanctions demonstrate to the offender a feeling of giving back and to understand what it is to be a positive force in his community. It should be noted; to achieve the most beneficial impact on the offender the sanction should be appropriate and relative to his

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