Charge Against Restorative Justice

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Introduction For years, the South Africa’s criminal justice system has been about crime and the punishment of offenders, and not about redress for crime victims. Restorative Justice is a movement that can be applied to improve the ways in which the criminal justice system addresses the problems we face in our own societies. Batley (2005) states that Restorative Justice, “is about addressing the hurts and the needs of both victims and offenders in such a way that both parties, as well as the communities which they are part of, are healed” (2005; 21). This assignment aims at looking at the charges against the restorative justice approach by Batley (2005). The selected charge will be incorporated with my argument to indicate the extent which…show more content…
This assignment aims at critically discussing this charge and formulating a response to the selected charge, this will be done by looking at other literature and the author’s own life experience. Some scholars are against the idea of restorative justice in serious cases, cases such as domestic violence as Batley (2005) states that Feminists are against restorative justice in domestic violence situations in which a serious power imbalance exists between the genders. What people do not understand is that restorative justice encourages offenders to understand and acknowledge what they have done, to accept responsibility and to take steps to make things…show more content…
This proved true in my own community as the restorative process to involve different parties to promote reconciliation and prevent reoccurrence of the crimes, was successful due to participation of all parties. 2 years later after welcoming Baba Cele back in our community, there has not been any unsettling news associated with his name and he proven to be a changed man. The Five R’s of Restorative Justice Reverend Misener developed a framework called the “five R’s”, which fundamental to the restorative justice because it connects the offender with those who have been offended and make the healing of the broken relationships possible to the degree that victims are prepared to forgive (cited in Batley 2005; 22). These are the “Five R’s”: Facing Reality: This the beginning of Restorative justice where the offender acknowledges the truth of the situation. Accepting Responsibility: This goes a step further than facing the truth of situation, it is also about recognizing that a personal response is

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