Restorative Justice

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The book Restorative Justice for Colleges and Universities written by David R. Karp is talking about how to encourage colleges and universities, and their student to consider implementing the practice of restorative on their campus. The author is designing to provide restorative principles. He is also trying to show the different evidence of its effectiveness, and he is also giving the institution tips on how to implement it on campus. For example David Karp showed the different way to practice Restorative Justice such as, meditation, let the violator focus on the social support. Also let them identify the harm they did to the community. Restorative Justice assumes that student (violator) has to admit the fault. This will help for the…show more content…
In the beginning of the book he engage the audience by talking about the many positive things that restorative justice brings. Also, the different type of the models and the different work around the colleges, and the different universities campuses. For example, Davis Karp talks about how to use the restorative justice in the model student conduct code in this chapter he talked about a student from the University of California. He was being charged with felony vandalism, and how most of the conduct offices around the colleges are looking for the best behavior, and looking out for the students that made the violation. What the author stated, “Offenders are more likely to take ownership when they are part of the decision” meaning if the administrative of the school conduct contact the violator, and helps them out with the problem they have, the violator could accept the mistake they did. The author cites a number of institutions that have implemented restorative justice programs as part of larger, more comprehensive student conduct programs. In chapter nine, the author suggests implementing restorative justice programming for conduct issues that cause reparable

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