South Korean Management Style Analysis

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Management style in South Korea The traits of the management style that is practised in South Korea are listed as follows:  Team work: they place high emphasis on team work and put extra efforts in working in teams. The leaders as well spend their efforts to build cohesive teams.  Leader’s position: the leader has a very high reputation in South Korean culture, may it be in organization or at the national level. The leader is considered to be a person who has a very high level in the society.  Paternalistic approach: the leaders or the managers act as a fatherly figure that support their subordinates and help them whenever required.  Hierarchical: the organizations have a hierarchical structure.  Taking responsibility: the leaders understand…show more content…
This is quite similar to ‘nemawashi’ system that exists in Japan.  Role of manager: besides the task-related support, the managers take holistic interest in their subordinates’ growth and development; therefore they have a greater involvement in the personal lives of their subordinates in comparison to the Anglo-Saxon countries. There are several reasons which lead to such a management style in South Korea and they are enlisted below:  Associative: they (South Koreans) tend to connect an experience with the similarities of a past event in a new manner.  Confucianism: such a management style has its roots in Confucianism which further led to emphasis on the education, orientation towards the family and clear roles of the genders.  Relational: they place more emphasis on the personal relationships and have a firm belief that the rules are less capable of controlling the behaviour of people in comparison to personal relationships.  Subjective: they involve their feelings or the emotional aspect as well in the decision making process and hence consider the involvement of the group as crucial. Types of Ministerial…show more content…
It has an impact on business transactions as well. Since people prefer harmony at workplace as it keeps them motivated, they try to maintain stable ‘kibun’ atmosphere in their organization. The ‘Kibun’ environment is also a part of their personal lives. It is not advisable to disturb others kibun as it is considered impolite in their culture and can yield negative outcome in the negotiation process. In South Korean culture (similar to Chinese culture in this context), people try saving the face of the opposite party, and therefore avoid criticizing them in public. They always make polite and friendly attempts. They generally give positive or rather ambiguous answers. Understanding the non-verbal cues becomes extremely important to understand the actual meaning of their

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