Examples Of Listening Strategies

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Strategies of listening ( )Listening strategies are the techniques or activities that contribute directly to the comprehension and recall of listening input. Listening strategies can be classified by how the listener processes the input. • Top-down strategies are listener based; the listener taps into background knowledge of the topic, the situation or context, the type of text, and the language. This background knowledge activates a set of expectations that help the listener interpret what is heard and anticipate what will come next. Top-down strategies include: 1. Listening for the main idea. 2. Predicting. 3. Drawing inferences. 4. Summarizing. • Bottom-up strategies are text based; the listener relies on the language in the message,…show more content…
They evaluate by determining whether they have achieved their listening comprehension goals and whether the combination of listening strategies selected was an effective one. Lynch (2004:12-) suggested that there are many different strategies that could improve listening skill. These strategies differ from one to another and differ in the way that they use in. However, the most common one is note-taking. For many students what makes listening to lectures difficult and tiring is to has to listen and write notes at the sametime. That is because the listener has to decide several steps. Moreover, he claimed that there are three principle rules that help to make note-taking and they are: 1. "To be selective: it means to be able to decide what is important. 2. To be brief: it associated with using the abbreviations and symbols. 3. To be clear: that is to show the interrelationship between the speaker's points. This strategy (note-taking) is at the micro level. However researchers have also found that people who are successful in listening to foreign languages tend to a number of brood general strategies which call macro strategies to help themselves before, during and after…show more content…
Empathic listening. To understand someone's feelings or point of view". 2.4 Television and radio Television and radio are a traditionally an old media format tools that transfer different kinds of information to the people in different places via visual and audio format. As Rantrao (2012) points out The world has become increasingly global due to the influence of television, radio and internet. These medium are effective for English listening comprehension skills which are important as a first language communication. Furthermore, television and radio are the tremendously powerful medium for education, propaganda and entertainment. Pilgrim and et al (2012) assumed that the changing of the way that educators think about education and literacy has been growing so fast by technology. Learning ELF can be easier with television, radio and other mediums and that can be supported with what Bahrani (2011) has argued about technology that everyone should be able to learn the English language easily without attending formal classes and that is by using current technology. Television foreign channels and radio stations can also be an enjoyable means of collecting vocabulary and enhancing listening skill. For visual learners, television would certainly make the learning process easier and more

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